Are you starting out with watercolor painting? Do you want to learn about basic techniques?

I have created this tutorial with the basic watercolor techniques for you, to get you started!

Once you get a hang of the basics, there is a world that is going to open for you!

I love to help you out and give you feedback on your exercises and creations, so don’t hesitate to share your results on instagram or facebook, in your stories, your feed or via DM. And I’ll definitly give you feedback and answer your questions!

And the best part is, this tutorial is free!

You can also watch the video tutorial here >>>

Tutorial Content:

Grab your free tutorial now! :-)

Interested in more watercolor inspiration?

Check out the Citrus fruits watercolor video >>>

In this watercolor tutorial video we will be creating three citrus fruits compositions. To help you out you are able to download the sketches as jpg files. Enjoy!